In case you missed it, 2017 is going to be a BIG YEAR for NinjaZone.
We’re officially here to announce the 2017 Ninja Games and the Road to Indy!
Here’s the skinny: ‘
We are holding regional Games in June and July, slowly working our way to National Ninja Games in August.
Here’s how the schedule lines up:
June 17, 2017: Regional Games #1 in Chicago, IL
July 8, 2017: Regional Games #2 in Sacramento, CA
July 22, 2017: Regional Games #3 in Cedar Rapids, IA
August 5, 2017: National Ninja Games in Indianapolis, IN
Ninja Games are an official event of Ninja Sports International, and they currently take place in member NinjaZone gyms internationally. The Regional and National Games will be held on a larger scale, in venues which will be announced at a later date. Ninja Games are a competition series for Ninja Sport. The competitive format of a Ninja Games includes chase and conflict scenes. Chase scenes consist of the athlete maneuvering through obstacles. Core strength, speed, and agility are tested. Conflict scenes are comprised of freestyle movement, compulsory combos, and the ability to skillfully elude an opponent (minus the opponent). Ninja Games are a crowd pleaser, combining the visual and auditory elements of a stage show, with the excitement and anticipation of live competition.
Get more information about hosting or competing in a Ninja Games here:
