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Feb 28, 2020
Competition is More Than Winning
By: Robert Helfst Competition is everywhere. From sporting events to academia to competing for promotions in the workplace, it’s all...

May 11, 2018
Instilling Confidence In Your Child
For all people, confidence comes in many forms. Internally, there are physical and emotional confidence and self-confidence. On the...

Jan 25, 2017
Tackling Your 2017… Ninja Style!
How are you settling in with the New Year? It has barely been a month into it, but we are wondering how everyone’s New Years goals and...

Jan 10, 2017
You Know You Have a High Energy Child When…
Our kids are awesome! The high energy ones? Awesome in a much more enthusiastic way! I love my high energy kids. Life would be so boring...

Nov 30, 2016
Do the Most Successful Kids Receive “Special” Kinds of Praise?
Science is suggesting that instead of praising kids for their inherent talents, we should be concentrating more on their efforts to...

Oct 11, 2016
NZ Parents: Interview with a NINJA Dad
We put a lot of pressure on moms, as a culture. Sometimes there’s a lack of credit given to dads. But as we know… Dads. Are. Awesome....
Aug 17, 2016
Gymnastics and Parkour: Growing the Cognitive Development of Active Kids
Cognitive learning and listening skills are key abilities that are built in most children, from a very young age. While it’s true that...

Aug 15, 2016
Simple Ways to Bring out the Grit in Your Child
“Do not ask your children what they want to be when they grow up. Instead, ask them what problems they would like to solve, if they...

Jul 31, 2016
Motor Skill Development Through Climbing and Gymnastics
Here at NinjaZone, one of the most important concepts that we can see in action everyday is when kids gain and USE transferable core...

Jul 6, 2016
Thoughts on Self-Confidence, How to Cultivate Successful Adults, and…Dr. Seuss?
“OH! THE PLACES YOU’LL GO You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high...

Jun 21, 2016
7 Ways Gritty, Smart, Strong Kids are Built with NinjaZone
“So, NinjaZone is just a fancy gym class, right?” NOPE! At least, not from where we sit. We have consistently witnessed kids emerging...

Jun 16, 2016
The Importance of Failure and Encouraging Persistence in Kids
Failure is the key to success. Seriously. We’ve all lived it. Small business owners have lived it. Parents have lived it. If we didn’t...

Jun 14, 2016
Coaches are the Key to Unlocking Grit in Children
As a parent, there’s always that recurring thought: “Am I doing it right?” Well, we all know the answer to that: there is no right and...

Jun 7, 2016
NinjaZone: Long-Term Benefits for Kids
The importance of “grit,” “determination,” and “work ethic” are all the rage right now in determining school success in children, a...

May 17, 2016
How to Encourage Grit in Children
Grit, meaning to have courage and resolve, be tenacious, and able to persevere through adversity is not only used to describe the...

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