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  • Impact Sports Center: $215,000 in 1 Year, NinjaZone Waitlist of Over 100

    Over the past year, NinjaZone programs have spread throughout the world into a variety of different locations and environments, serving a diverse group of children. Impact Sports Center is a NinjaZone member club located in Lodi, California, a  farming community of approximately 70,000. With a number of competitors in the neighboring towns, Impact Sports Center was looking to set itself apart from their peers, leading them to NinjaZone. We asked Shane Harden, Owner of Impact Sports Center, to give us his take on this whole NinjaZone program and tell us his story. Here’s what he had to say: “It was one year ago today that we launched NinjaZone in our gym. This was the the biggest program we had ever launched in our history and it took 4 months of hard work by my managers and staff to pull it all together before the first Ninja walked through the front door. I am so stinking proud of my team. We were so nervous. NinjaZone has come SO FAR in one year. When we launched, there was not even a single training video available. All we had was a binder (that was very well put together, though) that described the skills and lesson plans. LOL! We had around 25 boys in our existing boys program and we converted them all but 1 into Ninjas. Then, through a series of marketing emails and social media posts, we created a monster of a program and we have never looked back. Amazing! Today, we have 260 ninjas enrolled in 42 classes (shhhh….a few classes have 7 Ninjas enrolled. Don’t tell anybody) and we have a current waitlist over over 120 trying to get in. We have a total enrollment of just under 1100 kids. We just got a Ninja in yesterday that has been trying to get in since February. Effective January 1st, we are discontinuing Birthday Parties on Saturday so that we can convert those 5 hours into more floor space for classes. Projections show that we will add 14 more Ninja classes which will allow 70 more Ninjas! My goal is 350 Ninjas enrolled by the end of THIS year. Regrets? Yes! My biggest regret is pricing Ninja Zone the same as my gymnastics classes. NinjaZone is a PREMIUM PROGRAM and needs to priced accordingly. I want to be at $99 for a 1-hour Ninja Class and $60 for a 1/2 hour Lil’ Ninja Class. We are currently $74.50 and $58 (our current Lil’ Ninja classes are 45-minutes). So, In February, we are going to raise prices. In one year, NinjaZone has contributed a little over $215,000 in NEW revenue since we launched. I think my ROI is ok on this program. LOL! There is not a single other program that a gym could put in their location that would even come close to NinjaZone. Period! Not posting this to brag, I am posting this as as a THANK YOU to NinjaZone and its Leadership and the tireless efforts that this Company brings to market. Thank you all! PS: I want to host the 1st NinjaCon!!!!!!!” CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A MEMBER CLUB

  • Do the Most Successful Kids Receive “Special” Kinds of Praise?

    Science is suggesting that instead of praising kids for their inherent talents, we should be concentrating more on their efforts to problem solve. So, basically, throw the rule book out the window. Everything that we’ve been taught as parents and educators is changing, and it’s backed by research. A few things that are note-worthy as a result of studies: Just praising kids on how smart they are can actually cause kids to be less excited about learning and excelling as they grow up. Kids are much more likely to succeed if we praise them for their thought processes and intellect-driven journey, even if they aren’t 100% successful in their conclusion. These findings are applicable in kids as young as 1! The bottom line of the study is that there are two mindset belief systems in play with kids. Growth mindset: The belief that achievements can change, and that the ability to problem-solve is developed over time. Fixed mindset: The belief that either you’ve got it, or you don’t, as far as intelligence goes. Based on these studies, there are two ways you can look at people. Think of a smart person that you know. Like, really smart. Got it? Ok, so, if you are thinking about them from the view of a growth mindset, your view of their intelligence would be that they have succeeded in solving some very difficult problems in their life. Now, thinking of them from a fixed mindset, you would simply say, “Wow. That dude is just smart.” See the distinction? So, what does all this mean for kids? To teach based on the growth mindset, focus less on a child’s intelligence, and rather praise them for their ability to problem solve like a boss. Instead of saying, “You’re just so smart,” try: “Did anything challenge you today? I love hearing how you work through stuff.” Also, instead of, “I can’t get over how good you are doing in school,” say: “What classes do you feel present struggles or challenges for you? Whatever they are, you’re rocking them, for sure.” No matter how you’re doing it, if you’re praising kids, you’re doing something right. Always remember: if kids (and adults, let’s face it…) are making mistakes, they’re (we’re) learning. Opportunities for pats on the back are around every corner, we just have to know where to look. Sources: Stanford University,, and Upworthy.

  • A Trainer’s Perspective: Disciplinary Techniques (Not a Fun Job, But Someone Has To Do it!)

    Recently, Ninja Trainer Devyn Yurisich was asked on social media how she disciplines her students, and she wrote this fantastic remark to a fellow Trainer. She outlines how she defines discipline, and why it is one of the most important aspects of her job. This is well worth the read, especially if you’re a Ninja Trainer, or have aspirations of becoming a coach (of any sport!). Enjoy! Discipline is not for just when a kid misbehaves. Many believe that the word ‘discipline’ has a negative connotation. Discipline is training or teaching the kids to obey rules (the firm lines or limits that you enforce), and behave appropriately. Being a trainer is just like being a parent – discipline should be kept consistent across the board (you expect the same respectful behavior from every student). Discipline is one of the most important subjects to learn about as a trainer (or as a person, really). Ask yourself these questions: *How do I expect my students to behave? I expect my students to make safe decisions, respect all people by caring about how they feel, and listening to them when they speak, and follow directions. *Why are my students not obeying my guidelines? Many times, students aren’t aware of your expectations. Communicating what SHOULD be done rather than what SHOULDN’T gives the student a clear understanding of how they are expected to behave. Include “why” all of the time. The way you speak to each age group should be different, remembering that the little ones are developmentally capable of understanding simpler terms, than the older ones. *How do I correct inappropriate behavior? Calling out, singling out, or embarrassing the student in front of their peers will result in that student, and all others, to not trust you. When people make mistakes, they deserve grace. Politely let the misbehaving student know what they should be doing. Yelling at your students teaches them that this is how people resolve issues or encourage change. Is that true? No… kids actually respond very well to an honest, respectful correction. *How else should I not discipline? Making your students do extra conditioning literally rips away the true fact that conditioning is actually good for them and should always be experienced in a fun way. Getting mad or making angry facial expressions teaches kids that they are only loved when they do what you want them to. Kids deserve to be loved when they make mistakes, and they just need more guidance or help to know how to do what is expected. Forcing your student to sit out or alone should absolutely only be when they are hurting others. My biggest rule that I enforce is that I WILL NOT and WILL NEVER tolerate physical aggression in the gym. *What are some clever ways to set my students up for choosing to behave as expected? Friendly reminders of your guidelines should be addressed right before the class starts. I often ask my students, “Did you guys bring your listening ears today?” in a serious, but friendly way. Start the class on a line, and always expect them to walk from area to area in a line. The structure and order of the traveling will carry over into “staying in line” when at a station/rotation area. For little guys, give them markings to help them know where you expect them to wait, walk along, or stay within. I use little carpets, frogs, cones, etc. and communicate to them what to do in between doing actual skills. I confront misbehavior the moment it happens so the student knows exactly what they are doing incorrectly. For example: John is turned away from you, jumping on a mat, while you begin to explain what the students are doing in the new area you’ve just arrived to. You say, “I need all eyes on me! Everybody come really close, it’s easier to hear that way. Can everyone see me? I cannot tell you about all the fun stuff we’re about to do until I know that everyone is listening.” I always address the issue to the entire class, without singling out the one student. When John realized that he wasn’t doing what I was asking everyone to do, he stepped into the group and joined those who were listening. I always tell the students that in order to learn, you must listen. It’s easier to listen when they are not on equipment or looking at other classes. Ask students to group together and look at you when you speak, and then to always line up before moving to another area. Also, mention to the class that getting on any equipment without the trainer supervising is dangerous. If the student would have gotten hurt, the trainer would not know how they got hurt or how to help them. *So is discipline actually just enforcing appropriate rules that PREVENT bad behavior? YES! Discipline shouldn’t be “whipped out” when a student does something “bad”. Discipline takes patience (loads of it), consistency (expect the same behavior every class, even when you feel irritable or relaxed), and grace (taking time to talk to the student respectfully shows them not only how they can choose to treat others as they grow into adults, but that you care about them). Students will obey your rules once you’ve communicated them, enforced them, and expected them. *What about the kid that knows the rules but still chooses to misbehave? Honestly, I don’t have students that disobey my rules. Seriously. They do at first (of course), but after I help them and redirect their actions, they choose to do what I’m asking them to. It’s surprising how competent–and genuinely good– kids actually are. The student that cannot comprehend your rules and chooses to disrespect your guidelines might need to be talked to after class. This should only happen very RARELY. Bringing parents into the picture makes things complicated, because the way you discipline will most likely be different than the way they do. The student may be “numb” to the tactics that parents use to correct misbehavior. Try your best to resolve the issue with the student without the parents hovering over the situation. Without the student in ear shot, mention the severe issues that keep arising in class with their child. Let them know the way you handle the situation, and ask if they could watch for that behavior at home. Never tell parents how to “fix” the student’s misbehavior. Students don’t need to be fixed. They need to be helped. My last advice for you or your staff – research as much as you can. Working with kids is (in my opinion) one of the most important jobs you could have. ‘Discipline’ is a term that is interpreted differently by so many, and the best “most recent” advice is always changing/new. The basis of my understanding of successful discipline is that humans are meant to develop relationships and love one another… even when we have to tell someone that they’ve made a mistake. And when it’s all said and done, you still have a little friend that depends on you to teach them all that they need to know as they grow into the future inhabitants of this Earth. Oh! I should also add: thank your students! Thanking them often when they do what you’ve asked them to encourages them to make that good decision again. It also affects their peers–you never know who is watching! I always thank my students for listening to me, respecting me, following my directions, etc. I do this A LOT. They love to hear that they are making good decisions… and they love to know that they are making me happy (making others happy makes you the happiest!). -Guest blog post written by Ninja Trainer Devyn Yurisich

  • NZ Parents: Interview with a NINJA Dad

    We put a lot of pressure on moms, as a culture. I feel like there’s a lack of credit given to dads sometimes. But as we know…Dads. Are. Awesome. NINJA DADS are aren’t necessarily a special breed, but let’s be honest. Their kids are NINJAs. Thus, by association, the dads are equally as special. I sat down with a NINJA dad, and we discussed NINJA ZONE, and his daughter’s experiences in class. What I learned is that the NINJA ZONE program is doing a lot more than promoting physical fitness for kids. It’s changing their lives. Interviewer: Do you have a boy or girl NINJA? Dad: Girl. I: How long has she been a NINJA? D: 3 months. I: What made you decide to enroll her in a NINJA ZONE class? D: She hasn’t really found a sport for her, and really hasn’t wanted to try any except softball.  We wanted to put her in something that was active and might give her a little confidence boost. I: Have you seen a difference in her, or in her confidence since she started classes? D: Yes, she is slowly coming out of her shell, but it’s still a challenge.  A good coach can bring out a lot in a child, and when you have a kid that doesn’t want to play sports, it’s hard to accomplish.  This was a perfect fit, because she was immediately interested in all the rolling, jumping, kicking, and flipping.  Like any sport, this allows for individual accomplishment and group interaction while having a coach rooting them on.  It’s everything we/she needed when she didn’t want to play a sport.  It’s almost a hidden sport, where it tricks kids into teaching them athleticism and confidence with the small wins during the class. They just think they are having fun, but we know they are learning. I: How soon after starting classes did you notice a difference in her confidence? D: 2nd class! Our gym has the kids ring a bell when they accomplish something new and hard, and then they perform it for the entire gym.  After the first class, she immediately brought up that she didn’t like the bell (because the last thing an introvert wants is to be on stage).  But during the 2nd class, her trio of girls accomplished a new skill together and she rang the bell.  She may not have liked it, but she did it! I: What a proud papa! What is the best thing that you have seen come out of a NINJA ZONE class? Either from your own daughter, or other kids else in the class? D: Skills, listening, fun, confidence, everything you want out of it.  She loves it. I: From a parent’s perspective, what role do you see the Trainers having in shaping the lives of the NINJAs they coach? D: A good coach in anything is an incredible mentor for kids.  Same applies here.  NINJA ZONE helps kids learn and succeed at something, even those kids that have avoided group sports. The awesome thing about NINJA ZONE is that skills don’t have to look pretty, so even if it looks like a kid is faltering, to the kids and coaches, it can still be celebrated as a success. I: Was your daughter interested in gymnastics before she started NZ classes? D: Not one bit.  We enrolled her in a little program with her sister when she was 4 and she hated it. I: Interesting. Something that she wasn’t interested in has really become one of her favorite activities. Do you find that your daughter is displaying “NINJA characteristics” outside of class? D: Somewhat.  She’s always been a climber, jumper, likes to get dirty, and rolls around, so those are not new.  I feel like it’s too soon to see if there are other character changes, besides her confidence soaring, which I witness at every class. I: What is the biggest piece of advice you can give to a parent that is thinking of enrolling their child in a NINJA ZONE class? D: It doesn’t hurt to try it… you might be surprised.  Just show your child the You Tube videos of what NINJAs do in class, and maybe it will connect with them!

  • What is your WHY?!

    I’m getting personal up in here, people. We had a NINJA ZONE HQ team meeting a few weeks ago, during which we watched a video. Videos are fun, they help us learn, and many of us are visual, so we respond well to visual stimulation. However, as much as we’d love to watch Young Frankenstein during a team meeting, this video served another purpose. At NINJA ZONE, we believe in ourselves, and in each other. We make sure to be very intentional about personal development. It may seem corny or silly, but if you’ve never really taken a good look at yourself, and I mean REALLY getting deep and real, now is the time to do it. Go on, no one is watching. I am going to share this video with you, because it is important. We all have a WHY.  At NINJA ZONE, we believe in lifting each other up and supporting one another. Paying it forward, if you will. I want to pay this forward to you. What is your why? If you don’t know, watch this. If you think you do know, watch it anyway. Ask yourself the question again. WHAT. IS. YOUR. WHY? There won’t be a quiz. Don’t get hung up on thinking this is just for business people or leaders. This video is for all of us. Just listen to how it speaks to YOU. Without further ado, I give you…Simon Sinek’s “Start with WHY.”

  • The Day I Quit Relying on Your Kid

    Ok, time to get real. I love my kids. That’s why I have decided to stop relying on yours. Don’t get me wrong—I use the word “your” collectively. I’m talking to all of you. The kids of the single mom. The kids of the single dad. The big happy family. The kids with two moms or two dads. The guardians and caregivers, or the foster parents (thank you—you’re amazing). I simply can’t rely on your child. Or any of them, for that matter. Why? Because it is MY job to make sure my children are respectful, mind their P’s and Q’s, and practice behavior that aligns with the character development that I have set before them. Where do your kids come in? Glad you asked. They are YOUR kids. I am responsible for mine. You’ve got yours. Your kids are awesome. They make my heart happy. They have beautiful smiles and say funny things. A 7 year old told me an awesome joke yesterday. She wasn’t my kid, but she was really cool.  Your kids bring joy to the people around them. They have after-school activities and homework. They request waffles for breakfast, then decide they want eggs as soon as the Eggo’s pop out of the toaster. They’re pretty kick-ass. I have decided that I am going to stop trying to change the world by relying on other people’s kids to set examples for mine. I am doing the best I can do, day by day. My kids are a direct reflection of ME. When people see my family in public and one of the kids starts acting crazy, people are looking at ME. It’s up to me to make sure that they are upstanding citizens, take instruction, stand up for themselves, and know right from wrong. Sure, there are other influences in their lives, but as their mother, I feel responsible. I understand that that my children could be molded through their peers. No matter to what extent they are molded, it is still up to me to make sure that I am with them every step of the way, guiding and helping. Their character development happens in everyday life. At the breakfast table. In classes at the gym. While holding doors open for their elders. Even though I can’t rely on your kids, I do know one thing: You are doing the same thing I am. You’re making sure your kids are living life at their highest potential. And you know what? You’ve got this. We’ve got this. And here’s the thing: I don’t expect you to rely on my kids either. You’ve got enough going on.

  • Refocusing Energy in Kids Through Sport

    Huh? What does that even mean? “Refocusing energy?” So, here’s the thing. Let’s say you’re a high-spirited kid. You are taken to a go-cart track, and told to “go have fun.” What do you think happens next? You’ll most likely hop into a go-cart without a helmet, without instructions, and without any concept of the possibility of negative consequences. What could happen next? Probably a crash. Now, let’s say you’re still the same high-spirited kid, but this time, before you’re told to “go have fun,” you listen to the safety instructor’s directions, put on a helmet, and understand the machine you’re about to drive. Consequence? You actually. have. fun. In the second instance, your energy was refocused. See what I did there? Instead of being permitted to find out how to operate a go-cart on your own, you were given the proper instruction to stay safe. The same can go for sports. In a gymnastics setting, kids are given the ultimate playground: a gym full of bars, mats, foam pits, and trampolines. Instead of running through the gym like, *ahem* banshees (yikes),  their energy is REFOCUSED during a class. How does this benefit kids? A few things happen: Kids are able to calm themselves easier. Kids are able to communicate better. Kids are much more focused and receptive to learning. Why do you think recess is a necessity for school-age kids? So they can run off their energy and focus in school. Although, um…it’s also possible that the teachers need a break just as much as the kids. I mean, I’m just guessing…

  • Coaching Tips: How to Best Motivate Children

    Ninja Coaches are special people. Special because they bring out a confidence in kids that really didn’t know they had. Pulling this ability out of kids is not an easy task, but Trainers make it look easy. Here are a few tips from ninjaZone Coaches that will help kids obtain that awesome sense of grit that NinjaZone kids are famous for. 1. Get down at eye level. Help kids realize you are there and 100% invested in them. 2. Check your ego at the door. 3. Challenge kids. Challenge them, and encourage them to follow through. Every time they master a new skill, their confidence is boosted. 4. Know when to back off. If you have a shy kid, don’t push them into something they’re not ready for. Give it a week. Try the same skill the next week, and this time, encourage them a bit more. Eventually, trust will be established, and you’ll see these kids flourish. 5. Get to know the kids. If you know what their likes and dislikes are, they will be more likely to be encouraged to impress you, because you are a person that genuinely cares about them. These tips are great for Ninja Coaches, but as a mother, it also helped me to realize how my own kids can thrive. I also sometimes need to be reminded to check my ego. I’m often amazed by Ninja Coaches, and their ability to encourage and motivate even the most rambunctious kids. I have seen teenage Trainers, and they manage to teach and guide kids just as well as their parents would. To me, that’s not teachable. That is a special person. That’s what Ninja Coaches are made of.

  • How Are Kids Motivated? A Close Look at Encouraging Girls

    In the last installment of the Ninja Zone Blog, I talked a little about motivating boys. How they are encouraged deeply affects how they learn. But what about girls? How girls learn and are motivated vary drastically from boys. According to studies, what seems to be apparent in the learning styles of kids is that young kids (preschool through 2nd grade) have such different ways of being motivated, it is affecting how their teachers approach their learning abilities. How? Check it out. Girls need encouragement. They need to be built up. Girls will beat themselves up over a poor grade, where boys will be thrilled with a C performance. This carries over to all other facets of life. In an extracurricular setting, studies show that girls learn better after they are given appropriate encouragement by a coach or mentor. Girls aim to please. Girls are more motivated than boys to impress their coaches and teachers. Girls are interested in a story. They like to have a reason as to why they are engaging in an activity. They are motivated by knowledge and feeling more in control of their learning situations. Girls like to ask questions. Getting a clear answer motivates them. Girls tend to be self-motivated. Allow them to play to their strengths so they can develop the confidence they need to succeed.

  • How Are Kids Motivated? A Close Look at Encouraging Boys

    What motivates you? Money? Happiness? Peace? Now think back to when you were a kid. For me, my parents found my currency early on: boredom. If I wasn’t cleaning my room like I had been asked, my mom would begin to take things away. First, she’d take away TV. Then radio. Then, if I still couldn’t get it together, she’d pull me out of my extra-curricular activities that week. I. hated. being. bored. As soon as my parents discovered this, they knew it was my motivation. My brother’s motivation? Money. You could give that kid a quarter and he’d sell your clothes. It has been shown that boys and girls simply respond differently when it comes to what motivates them. Uncovering the motivation in boys starts with just a few basic concepts. Male brains intrinsically respond to movement. Physically activity keeps them learning. Boys feel connected and engaged when they feel like they are on the same level as adults. Show a boy respect, and studies have shown that he will respond in kind. Have a sense of humor. There’s a reason boys can’t help themselves but laugh at bodily functions and goofy jokes. They’re wired that way! Not getting too serious is a good way to keep boys engaged and interested. Encouraging boys to learn in a variety of ways will allow them to adapt to the learning style that best fits their personality. Once they are able to pinpoint their strongest learning style, studies show that boys thrive and excel quickly. Boys love to succeed. It doesn’t matter if they are competing with others or with themselves, they want to succeed. Give them that platform, and the sky is the limit.

  • What I Hope for My Child

    It’s back-to-school season, and as a parent, I’m faced with many challenges — what school to send my child to, what types of clothes to buy him, what types of food to feed him, and which activities to sign him up for. Of course, while these decisions seem as simple as making a choice – in the back of my mind all I can think is “What if I choose the wrong path?” If you’re a parent – particularly a mother (because somehow we let these plagues manifest in our souls for what seems like forever) – you know my pain. What if I mess up my kid? What if I make the wrong decision for him? What if I don’t do enough to set him up for success? The problem is the answers are rarely clear. So, instead, I try to focus on what I want for my children and try to move intentionally through this parenting thing (because we all know it’s easy to get lost in all the decisions). As my oldest child prepares to finish his first week of kindergarten (WHAT.) I am choosing to reflect on my hopes for him as he moves through this crazy world. I hope you’re kind. Kahlil Gibran said, “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” I hope you stand up for others and yourself. I hope you see people as inherently good, and always look for a way to be compassionate. I hope you one of the good guys. I hope you’re humble. I hope you know that there are ideas that are better than yours and there are causes deeper than your own. I hope you understand that there’s always learning to be done by others and there’s no such thing as being the best at everything. I hope you’re a hard worker. I hope you learn how to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. I hope you keep going even when the going gets tough. I hope you’re the one that everyone can count on to be there even when most people aren’t. I hope you have the courage to try and the ability to get up, dust yourself off, and keep going after you’ve failed. I hope you look at challenges as adventures. I hope you have guts and have gumption. I hope you have grit. I hope you have integrity. I hope you can easily see right from wrong, and have the courage to choose what’s right, even when everyone else is choosing something else. I hope you have the courage to speak your mind and know the truth in your heart, especially when others are silent on issues that matter. I hope you have a good sense of humor. I hope you’re silly. I hope you love to laugh and can find humor in most situations. I hope you find joy easily and are flexible enough to go with the flow when needed. There are so, so many more hopes I have for my children – and especially for my oldest, as he traverses through that first, foundational stage of life. I realize as a parent I have a great influence on the traits my child inherits — but I also understand that starting now, he’ll spend just as much, as if not more, time away from me, under the influence of others, than he will at home. Whoa. Even typing that I freak out a little. This reminds me I need to be intentional – now more than ever before – to be sure the activities, the people, the experiences I give my child are worthy. Are valuable. Are foundational. So, I guess I conclude this message with a hope for myself. I hope that I have enough strength and insight to choose programs, teachers, coaches, and influencers that can give my child the skills he needs to be everything I know he can be. I hope I am intentional.

  • Gymnastics and Parkour: Growing the Cognitive Development of Active Kids

    Cognitive learning and listening skills are key abilities that are built in most children, from a very young age. While it’s true that kids are all different, and you will never find two kids that are exactly alike, studies have shown that children involved in gymnastics or parkour share a common trait: their cognitive learning and listening abilities are well refined. Here are a few key points to consider: 1. Children involved in gymnastics or parkour exhibit stimulated interests with a range of activities within a class session. 2. There are multiple studies equated to the amount of screen time a child should be exposed to daily. When kids are in the gym, they can’t help themselves but to move and exercise. Even if they are in the gym for one activity on a weekly basis, it is still one less hour that they could potentially spend in front of a device, where they may not receive any one-on-one interaction. 3. Gymnastics and parkour test a child’s physical abilities, thus building grit and confidence. 4. A safe environment provides children with a literal and physical soft place to fall. While children inherently want to jump, run, and flip, a gym provides the correct setting for these activities, and children’s interests are heightened, knowing that they are being encouraged to jump and play in a safe, disciplined, and controlled environment. 5. Social skills are at their peak when kids are in the gym. They’re encouraging classmates, and being cheered on by coaches. They are gaining confidence with each session, and blossoming into capable and interactive kids. Their listening and learning skills are being honed, and they are engaging with others as they learn new skills. While it’s true that kids benefit from all athletics and sports, there is something special about a gym. The enthusiasm and desire to learn are palpable. The chalk, the sweat, the energy, and the work ethic are more than just observations to an outsider. They are the heart of the gym.


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