Flips, tucks, cartwheels, handstands, somersaults: all things you think about when you hear the word “gymnastics”. And when you think about gymnastics, most of the time that also means thinking about leotards, ponytails, and smiling young girls.
But not this time.
Entrepreneur Casey Wright takes the foundations of gymnastics a step further, bridging the gap between ponytails and parkour with introduction of NinjaZone.
NinjaZone is bringing the bucks – the paper kind via the human kind – to gymnastics clubs all over with the hottest movement to hit the mats since cheerleading.
The NinjaZone movement is exploding across the country with supply barely keeping up with demand, as gym owners everywhere are discovering how to tap into the an entirely new revenue stream – little boys. Gymnastics has historically been a female dominated sport but with the addition of just one Ninja Zone class a day gym owners are seeing an increased revenue of $25,000 a year.
Mic drop.
Wright has licensed the NinjaZone curriculum to 130 gymnastics clubs in 42 states prior to 2016, with new gyms signing up daily. Those gyms that are coming on board are seeing their newly available NinjaZone class spots filling nearly as quickly as they become available. As local and national attention on NinjaZone continues to grow, now is the perfect time to take advantage of the amazing opportunity to be part of the team and get started in only 49 days.
What are you waiting for?! If you don’t take act now your competition surely will. Beat them to the punch. Literally.